Harry Hall Riding Skins



The Next Generation of rider wear has landed at Harry Hall - introducing Riding Skins. Designed to maximise your potential, transform your performance and accelerate your recovery, we caught up product innovator Beth to find out what inspired her to develop the new range.





Tell us about the inspiration behind the new collection?




In a nutshell, there were two main sources of inspiration, the first being to dispel common myths and the second being to innovate products in order to provide accessible solutions for certain challenges equestrians face on a daily basis.




Over the years I have heard some very funny misconceptions from non-equestrians. We all know the sort – “ponies are young horses who haven’t grown tall yet…” “can I have a go on your horse…?” “how does your horse see with that fly mask on…?”




Don't get me wrong, I am more than happy to explain that height has no direct correlation to age, putting health and safety first, I think its best you don’t have a go on my horse and give a brief overview on the sheer misery flies can cause horses in summer. There is however one statement that makes me want to run into a dark tack room and practice the art of meditation, I think you know what’s coming: “horse riding is easy. All you do is sit there, the horse does ALL. THE. WORK.”






\"Anyone who has ever ridden knows that riding is one of the most physically demanding sports in the world. Before taking into account the mutual trust and commitment required between horse and rider, there is, skill, fitness, physical strength and mental toughness to consider.\"




With the new collection, I wanted to acknowledge the rider as a true athlete and help support them - both in and out of the saddle. Harry Hall Riding Skins are designed to map and support key muscles, tendons, ligaments used during the equine sport; helping to prevent muscle fatigue and strain. The fabric applies gentle compression all over the body whilst additional support on the inside of the garment is mapped across key areas including the shoulders, lower back, thighs and calves. The equestrian lifestyle is a pretty active one with a day at the yard often feeling like you’ve inadvertently taken part in a tough mudder event!






Aside from the huge benefits of compression, every single detail has been carefully considered so the rider can feel comfortable, confident and supported. I’d urge anyone that buys them to turn them inside out and take a look. There’s just as much detail to the inside as the out, it could be called the introvert of the new range.




So when would you suggest using them and how do they work?




Compression wear can assist the rider both in and out of the saddle. It can be used before riding, to help increase the blood flow and assist warm up. During riding, to ensure more controlled movement - less vibration of the muscles can both increase endurance and help to avoid injury. I’m not saying it’s going to make you jump for joy when your instructor suggests two extra laps of sitting trot or an entire lesson without stirrups, but they will certainly make you better equipped for the challenge! They are also great for after exercise where the gentle pressure assists blood flow back towards the heart to help to detoxify the body.




Compression wear has been used in the medicinal field for many years to treat people with insufficient blood circulation – helping to reduce swelling and prevent blood clots. We’ve all heard of flight socks preventing the dreaded lower leg swelling - Riding Skins work in the same way.




Give them a go, you might be surprised how they make you feel, Beth xx


